So one thing about Joe, that some of you may not know, is that he is really into health and fitness. Not body building type stuff but eating healthy, non processed foods (for the most part). He doesn't even like candy really or soda. So this will explain his complaints about food in almost every email he has sent haha. He is used to being able to eat healthier, within his standards of eating, and then being able to go for runs whenever he felt like it. SO being at the MTC has been a big adjustment for him :) Here are some more updates I once again pulled together from different emails he sent us. Love my brother for making it so convenient :P
"So the MTC has been a lot of fun! but its been way hard too for me. There are a lot of days where I just wanna go home but there are more days that I am having a lot of fun though so that is good because the good is outweighing the bad. Im just trying to stay positive and focused as much as I can even though it can be way hard sometimes. Im also trying to remember that Mexico is going to be way better then the MTC haha...But the spirit is definitely always here at the MTC. It is a constant companion. Im learning a ton of stuff. Last night we had this thing we went to called the Training Resource Center where members of the church volunteer to just converse with us in spanish to help us learn to speak it better and me and my comp had an old man and this really cute old couple and his wife was from mexico and we had a lot of fun talking to them. The old men and the wife didnt want us to leave because they liked us so much haha I love old people. The old lady was like, "I hope my grand daughters find young men like you.". she was a way cute little old mexican lady. haha"
" i miss you guys so much. Yes you can send me packages! as many as you want! but PLEASE only healthy snacks because the food they have here is so bad for you haha and i feel like I am gaining weight haha I hate the food here haha it sucks... you can send me other stuff to though if you want. like things i can put in my room or something."
"...I just have no time to write actual letters right now. I am trying though and I am writing little bits of letters here and there so it takes a lot longer. sorry. please be patient...literally every minute is planned...dont stop sending letters because i do get them and i love to read them. even if it feels like [you are writing to] a brick wall. dont stop. I am so much more busy now too because they just called me last week to be a zone leader! i am super busy all the time. so it has made it even harder than before to write letters. but it is a lot of fun being a zone leader. tonight i am meeting with 2 brand new districts in the MTC and teaching them about the MTC and giving them tours of the campus and teaching them the things in the white bible (mission handbook: rules and guidelines) and teaching them about the importance of companion relationships and serving each other. It should be cool :)
Love, Elder Joe Brinkerhoff"
Thanks for stopping by to read about Joe's journey! :) We couldn't be more proud of him!
Just read this with Uncle Mark, We are SO proud of him. We love hearing his letters!!!